Our plans for 2025

The year 2025 is approaching, and as the Interdisciplinary Center for Personnel Development, we already have plans for next year. First of all, our goal will be to further develop key competencies of research staff and administrative support staff of the science and higher education sector in Poland, which can contribute to strengthening the position of domestic universities on the international stage. We are conducting research on topics related to the competencies of university employees, the automation of managers and teams, the impact of artificial intelligence on the work of research teams, and the reduction of managerial influence and its


How to use online managerial tools to build a robotic manager?

At the International Conference on AI Research (ICAIR 2024), Olaf Flak, PhD, presented a paper Online Managerial Tools as Research Tools to Apply Artificial Management. Results of Research, which talks about how to use online managerial tools to build a robotic manager. Artificial intelligence (AI) can augment human intelligence in teamwork, but it is still unclear how to replace a human manager with a robot manager. The rapid development of computer science offers the possibility of replacing team managers with robots. However, it is still not possible to employ a robot in a managerial position. Therefore, the purpose of the


Olaf Flak, Ph.D., took part in the ICAIR – 4th International Conference on AI Research in Lisbon

The International Conference on AI Research (ICAIR 2024) is a key forum for scientists and students, whether social scientists, natural scientists or philosophers, who come together to explore the future of society in the context of artificial intelligence and robotics. Conference topics range from machine learning, deep learning and neural networks to building a business case for implementing artificial intelligence. There are several strong streams of research and interest developing in this area, including the implications of artificial intelligence and robotics for work and society, managing artificial intelligence, risks and benefits of artificial intelligence, ethical dilemmas associated with artificial intelligence,


What is an assessment center in testing the competencies of candidates or employees? Part 3

HR consultants emphasize that Assessment Centre participants usually have to compete among themselves for a single vacancy. On the one hand, this generates motivation to perform to the best of their ability, while on the other hand it can have a stressful effect on those who are less active and open-minded. There is also time pressure during the session, as all the goals set for the participants must be achieved as quickly as possible. Participants’ form can also be impaired by the need to adapt quickly to new conditions and situations, as well as the awareness of being observed and


What is an assessment center in testing the competencies of candidates or employees? Part 2

Assessment Centre participants are evaluated by several assessors during specially prepared tasks and simulation tests. This team of experts usually includes a psychologist or sociologist, a specialist in the industry in which the company operates and the direct superior of the future employee. The assessors observe the behavior of the candidates as they perform the tasks of each session, and then work together to develop a combined assessment of each participant’s competence. For both the employer and the employee, an assessment conducted by several people and, in addition, after completing a complete series of tasks, can be regarded as very


What is an assessment center in testing the competencies of candidates or employees? Part 1

We often get questions about how to test the competencies of candidates or employees in other ways besides tests. In consulting and business activities, the assessment center method is often used, which we will describe in the following posts. The job search is not limited to finding matching job offers, preparing a resume, cover letter and a simple interview. Often the next step on the road to convince an employer to us is an assessment center. This form of meeting with candidates is used especially by large companies that have developed their own standards for acquiring employees in the past.


Olaf Flak, Ph.D., led a workshop at the Fundacion Universidad Europea del Atlantico

We are establishing scientific contacts with universities from Europe. Olaf Flak, Ph.D., led a workshop for students at the Fundacion Universidad Europea del Atlantico in Santander, Spain, from 02.11.2024-06.11.2024. The workshop was on management techniques and tools used in small teams to coordinate teamwork: The workshop was attended by 90 students from various fields of study. The workshop was conducted in English. At the same time, we have established cooperation in providing classes for students of Fundacion Universidad Europea del Atlantico in Santander within the framework of Erasmus Plus and other European projects.


How to use task and relationship orientations when automating a manager’s work?

We presented the article “Results or Relationship Orientations of a Team Manager in Perspective of Using Artificial Intelligence in Management” at the international scientific conference “Modernity of Industry and Services” organized annually by TNOiK, which took place in the days at the Golebiewski Hotel in Wisla from November 20 to 22, 2024. What are our research conclusions on the topic of results or relationship orientations of managers in the context of automating their work with the help of artificial intelligence? The purpose of the article was to present a solution to the research problem concerning the dilemma of which of


Researcher’s competency: how to measure the “coping with stress” competency?

Coping with stress is another competence that we learn from childhood. However, we rarely learn it to the extent that we can handle difficult situations in life or at work without problems. Again, the question is how to measure this competency to check the level of mastery and opportunities to improve this skill. Stress in the workplace is experienced by everyone, regardless of their profession, position or salary. However, such nervous tension is not only characteristic of those who have an occupation. Stress also occurs when we are forced to wait for hours, stand still or perform monotonous tasks. Stress


Researcher competencies: how to measure the competency “organization of own work”?

Another competency that we can measure in researchers, self-work organization. Colloquially, we can see or somehow tell if someone is well-organized or disorganized. Just how do we measure it? We associate self-work organization directly with the ability to plan tasks in time and execute them according to plan, possibly reacting to unforeseen obstacles to the plan. Surveys of managers show that only 10% of people in managerial positions do not complain about lack of time, the rest would need an extra few to several hours. The result of poor time planning is excessive fatigue, lack of time for the family
