The XII International Conference of the series “Contemporary Challenges of Project and Process Management” is approaching, in which we will participate

In just a few days we will once again participate in the conference of the series “Contemporary Challenges of Project and Process Management”, organized every two years by the Department of Management Processes at the Cracow University of Economics. As every year, the conference will be held in Zakopane and will last from September 19 to 21, 2024. This year, the main objectives of the conference are to celebrate the scientific achievements of Prof. UEK Prof. Czesław Mesjasz, as well as to exchange knowledge and practical experience, present the results of scientific research, integrate the scientific community with the business


The VI Congress of the Polish Association of Organization Psychology is coming up, in which we will participate

On September 12 – 14, 2024, the VI National Congress of the PSPO will be held. This conference opens a space to reflect on the changes in the functioning of organizations and the performance of work that technological and social developments of the last 20 years have initiated. It will discuss transformations in the hierarchy of shared values and lifestyles, challenges and hopes related to diversity in the work environment, the increasing automation and digitization of work processes, artificial intelligence. We will talk about the changing needs of employers and employees. There will also be a scientific discussion about the


Researcher’s competency: how to measure the “coping with stress” competency?

Coping with stress is another competence that we learn from childhood. However, we rarely learn it to the extent that we can handle difficult situations in life or at work without problems. Again, the question is how to measure this competency to check the level of mastery and opportunities to improve this skill. Stress in the workplace is experienced by everyone, regardless of their profession, position or salary. However, such nervous tension is not only characteristic of those who have an occupation. Stress also occurs when we are forced to wait for hours, stand still or perform monotonous tasks. Stress


Researcher competencies: how to measure the competency “organization of own work”?

Another competency that we can measure in researchers, self-work organization. Colloquially, we can see or somehow tell if someone is well-organized or disorganized. Just how do we measure it? We associate self-work organization directly with the ability to plan tasks in time and execute them according to plan, possibly reacting to unforeseen obstacles to the plan. Surveys of managers show that only 10% of people in managerial positions do not complain about lack of time, the rest would need an extra few to several hours. The result of poor time planning is excessive fatigue, lack of time for the family


Competence of the researcher: how to measure the competence “communicativeness”?

Another competency that can be measured using competency profiles is communicativeness. From our training and consulting experience, we know that this topic is very popular in training inquiries and generally causes a lot of problems with work in organizations. We have this observation that in all the competencies we learn from childhood, we are quite poor and rarely can speak well, run, listen, play an instrument, cook and so on. Communication is one such competence that we constantly need to improve. Typical communication between people or between cells in a company always follows the same pattern. Someone who wants to


Researcher competencies: how do you measure the “assertiveness” competency?

In the following weeks, we want to present some examples of the competencies we measure in the competency measurement tools that you can check out on our website. Users of the tools and readers of the blog ask us how we do the measurement, what we take into account when measuring and how we created the indicators. Let’s take one of the competencies used in the competency profiles of our researcher competency measurement tools as an example. It will be assertiveness. First, let’s ask ourselves what assertiveness is. Thus, a person’s assertiveness is seen as the gentle, sincere and firm


A series of workshop meetings within the VT-FLOW grant project

In cooperation within the VT-FLOW grant project, representatives of the University of Silesia in Katowice and the University of Lübeck took part in a series of workshop meetings aimed at jointly developing a plan for the analysis of variables relevant to the construct of collective communication (collective communication). The workshop was held on the premises of the University of Silesia from 29.07.2024-31.07.2024. The main purpose of the meetings was to exchange experiences and reflections on conducting analyses using specialized algorithms, jointly develop procedures to obtain relevant data, and juxtapose the solutions developed so far with the most current research practices


Skill books for the vacations: A Simple Way to Get There. Mark Joyner

Another book for the vacations, or rather a booklet (it’s thin and there’s a lot of blank space in it), is “A Simple Way to Go” by Mark Joyner. He invented the term simple.ology and built an entire approach to problem solving around it. This is not a scientific book, nor is it aimed at scientists. What’s more, scientists may treat it indulgently, but it takes 2-3 hours to read, which is about as much as the average person browses social media every day. That’s why it’s worth turning off Whatsup, Instagram, Facebook or YouTube for a day and devoting


Competence books for the vacations: Creativity Code. Marcus du Sautoy

Another book, perhaps for another week of researcher’s vacation, is “The Code of Creativity. Art and Innovation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” by Marcus du Sautoy. Although the term “artificial intelligence” became really popular with the GPT Chat in 2022, the book was published in 2019 and you can already read from it how close the invention was. The author is a mathematician and treats both creativity and its most obvious result – art – from this perspective. Especially since his wife, he declares, is an artist, which has a big impact on the layout of the content, examples


Competence books for the vacations: Fire up your thinking! Ozan Varol

Vacations in schools have already started, in universities it is that moment when employees go on their first vacations, so we are starting a series of posts about books describing competencies in a light and enjoyable way. The first such item is “Fire up your thinking. How to achieve personal and professional success. 9 simple habits and strategies” by Ozan Varol. It should be noted right away that the book is quite thick and heavy – for a suitcase or a backpack… it’s a bit unsuitable, unless you’re traveling by car. But for that it reads lightly and with great
