What are the benefits for a research project manager when he or she is a mentor? Part 2

Two weeks ago we wrote about the benefits for a research project manager when he or she serves as a mentor. We outlined the “hard” areas of research project management. Today, we present the results of our conversations with researchers about why it is beneficial to be a mentor from the perspective of “soft” areas of management and personal development. Benefits in terms of personal development: Benefits in terms of increased academic satisfaction: If you want to develop your competence to be a mentor, contact us: contact us: icrk@us.edu.pl


What are the benefits for a research project manager when he or she is a mentor? Part 1

We spoke to a number of research project managers about how they view their role of being a mentor to their staff or doctoral students. Some, focused on their work, saw it as an additional task in their busy schedules of conferences, speeches and publications. However, there are research project managers who recognize the benefits of serving as a mentor to their colleagues. What are these benefits? Below is a list of benefits for the project manager in the so-called “hard” area of research project management. In subsequent posts, we will show what personal and relational benefits can be had
