We spoke at the ESOF conference as part of Katowice City of Science 2024 – we led a workshop on researcher competencies!

On June 13, 2024, we participated in the ESOF2024 conference. This is one of the most important international conferences with an impact on the transformation of science and the world. The conference was held in Katowice, as Katowice is the European City of Science this year. During the conference, scientists, entrepreneurs, politicians, journalists and residents discussed the latest developments in various fields of science and art and their impact on society. Participation in the conference was free of charge. In the workshop part, we conducted a training on research competencies. Participants were able to test their competencies using the tools


What are the competence gaps of a diverse research team?

In our research that we conducted at research universities in Poland between 2020 and 2022, we also looked for new trends and phenomena in the work of research teams. We noticed that research teams are increasingly dispersed and diverse. Therefore, we examined the competence gaps in just such a team, coming from one of the research universities. The analyzed research team consisted of 13 employees working in research or research and teaching positions at a certain university, which is an established research university. We deliberately chose this particular team for the description, as it was also the most numerous research


What are the competencies of research staff at research universities?

In 2022, we completed the Dialog project, in which we surveyed the competencies of research staff and support staff at Polish research universities. We surveyed 10 research universities in Poland, and more than 260 research staff from them. We described the results of the research and our conclusions in our book, still available at the bookstore of the University of Silesia in Katowice: https://wydawnictwo.us.edu.pl/node/27063 Today we will show you some of the conclusions of the study of the competencies of science workers. You can find more in our book mentioned above. In Figure 1, we show the average results of


How do competency gaps affect research staff effectiveness?

The next survey results among academics employed at research universities concern the effectiveness of research staff and the competency gaps that affect this effectiveness. We obtained the results of our research in the Dialog Project 2022. The research focused on the competencies of research staff and support staff at Polish research universities. Our book is still available at the bookstore of the University of Silesia in Katowice: https://wydawnictwo.us.edu.pl/node/27063 On the topic of competency gaps, we identified two groups of findings. In the case of the assistant’s position, competencies such as analytical thinking, conscientiousness and cooperation were most important in achieving


What are the social competencies of the research staff and support staff of Polish research universities?

In today’s blog post, we will present another portion of the results of the research we obtained in the Dialog 2022 project. The research focused on the competencies of the research and support staff of Polish research universities. Our book is still available at the bookstore of the University of Silesia in Katowice: https://wydawnictwo.us.edu.pl/node/27063 This time we will present an excerpt from the results of the research on the social competencies of research and support staff. Their composition is shown in the title graphic of this post, included above. It should be noted that in the theoretical model – prepared


What are the key process competencies for the different competency profiles of support staff?

In our book, Competencies of Research Staff at Polish Research Universities, we published many of the results of research on the competencies of research and support staff at Polish research universities. Our book is still available at the bookstore of the University of Silesia in Katowice: https://wydawnictwo.us.edu.pl/node/27063 In this and the following weeks, we will present on the blog selected results of the research we conducted within the framework of the DIALOG project in 2020-2022 in Polish research universities. Today, we will briefly discuss process-related for each competency profile of the support staff. To begin with, we explain the symbols


Prof. Barbara Kozushnik participant in the Annual ENOP Symposium “Trust and Morality in a Post-Truth World”

It’s been exactly one year since Prof. Barbara Kozushnik appeared as a member at the Annual ENOP 2023 Symposium “Trust and Morality in a Post-Truth World.” The conference was held March 23-24, 2023 in Paris. As the UN opens to receive the support and expert insights of psychologists on the well-being of citizens and workers in a post-pandemic world (IAAP 2023), this symposium aimed to reveal current evidence on trust and moral agency in today’s workplaces. Presentations were designed to familiarize ENOP members with the emerging evidence and provide a forum to discuss both the policy and practical implications of


How to explore your competencies with our tools? Explore competencies with behavioral descriptions. Part 2

In the previous post, we described how to explore your competencies using behavioral descriptions. If you are a scientist, work in a scientific project or are employed as a research and teaching or research employee at a university, you can do this very quickly and it will only take you 20 minutes. If you haven’t already done so, click CHECK YOUR COMPETENCIES on the screen at the top right. If you’ve already completed our behavioral tests and have your diagnosis, you’ve received two codes. The first one allows you to take a second look at your diagnosis based on a


How to explore your competencies with our tools? Explore competencies with behavioral descriptions. Part 1

In the previous post, we reminded you that you can examine your competencies with competency tests, which we called examining competencies with questions. If you are a scientist, work in a scientific project or are employed as a research and teaching or research employee at a university, you can do this very quickly and it will only take you 20 minutes. There is a second way of testing competencies – using behavioral descriptions. Sometimes this way is called behavioral testing. In this form, you will find statements about many professional and social situations, arranged on a scale from no competence


How to explore your competencies with our tools? Examine your competencies with questions

If you are a scientist, work in a scientific project or are employed as a research and teaching or research employee at a university, you can examine your competencies in two ways. The first is through competency testing. We called this way competency testing with questions. Such competency tests consist of questions about specific situations in your scientific work in which you have to make decisions or take actions. We arranged the questions among experts from the staff of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Staff Development and external experts. We tested them on a selected group of employees and verified them
