How to explore your competencies with our tools? Explore competencies with behavioral descriptions. Part 2

In the previous post, we described how to explore your competencies using behavioral descriptions. If you are a scientist, work in a scientific project or are employed as a research and teaching or research employee at a university, you can do this very quickly and it will only take you 20 minutes. If you haven’t already done so, click CHECK YOUR COMPETENCIES on the screen at the top right. If you’ve already completed our behavioral tests and have your diagnosis, you’ve received two codes. The first one allows you to take a second look at your diagnosis based on a


How to explore your competencies with our tools? Explore competencies with behavioral descriptions. Part 1

In the previous post, we reminded you that you can examine your competencies with competency tests, which we called examining competencies with questions. If you are a scientist, work in a scientific project or are employed as a research and teaching or research employee at a university, you can do this very quickly and it will only take you 20 minutes. There is a second way of testing competencies – using behavioral descriptions. Sometimes this way is called behavioral testing. In this form, you will find statements about many professional and social situations, arranged on a scale from no competence


How to explore your competencies with our tools? Examine your competencies with questions

If you are a scientist, work in a scientific project or are employed as a research and teaching or research employee at a university, you can examine your competencies in two ways. The first is through competency testing. We called this way competency testing with questions. Such competency tests consist of questions about specific situations in your scientific work in which you have to make decisions or take actions. We arranged the questions among experts from the staff of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Staff Development and external experts. We tested them on a selected group of employees and verified them


What are the core competencies of a research leader? Interview with Prof. Marcin Grzegorzek from the University of Lübeck (Germany)

As part of our work at the Interdisciplinary Center for Human Resources Development at the end of 2021, we conducted the first in a series of interviews on the topic of competencies in university management and the broader science sector. Our first guest was Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Marcin Grzegorzek, who is an active leader of research groups and projects at the University of Lübeck. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Marcin Grzegorzek answered our questions related to the development of research competence and the competence of a research project leader based on his experience working with international research teams at the University of


How to represent human labor and its competencies in the form of an organizational size system?

Following on from the considerations we presented a week ago in an interview with Prof. Richard Griffith on the pace at which human labor is being replaced by artificial intelligence, one can ask: how to theoretically represent cognitive processes in the human mind especially in the area of management and teamwork? The answer to this question is the research carried out for more than a dozen years by Olaf Flak, PhD. In numerous publications he has presented his research results concerning first the theoretical concepts of the representation of the work of the manager and the team, and then empirical


How soon will artificial intelligence replace human labor and what will happen then? Interview with Prof. Richard Griffith of the Institute for Cross Cultural Management of Florida Institute of Technology

For the past several months or so, as a result of the appearance of GPT language models in public access, we have seen a great acceleration in the replacement of human labor by artificial intelligence. Whether this is actually artificial intelligence or just clever word generators is, of course, debatable. However, the progress with which ChatGPT is answering more and more complicated questions and solving more and more difficult problems gives food for thought. See more That’s why we interviewed Prof. Richard Griffith of the Institute for Cross Cultural Management of Florida Institute of Technology about what the limitations


What might be the competencies of the future that we should learn as soon as possible?

Recently, there have been many reports on the competencies of the future. Most of them are inspired by artificial intelligence and the increasingly intelligent machines around us. However, if you don’t take momentary trends into account, you can list 10 areas in which we should improve. The areas come from the Future Work Skills 2020 study by the Institute for the Future. They are: See the entire report here:


What is the prospect of artificial intelligence replacing human competence? Interview with Prof. Sharon Glazer of the University of Baltimore and the University of Maryland

The next interview in our series is with Prof. Sharon Glazer of the University of Baltimore and the University of Maryland on the topic of to what extent and when artificial intelligence will make humans redundant in companies. Prof. Sharon Glazer has made significant contributions to the field of applied psychology, particularly with regard to occupational health and stress. Her research spans the globe, focusing on various occupations and applied psychology issues, such as Brazil, Peru, India, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Israel and Japan. She has contributed to dialogue and knowledge of other cultures. Prof. Glazer is currently working on the


What competency questions does the McKinsey 7S Framework include?

The McKinsey 7S Framework methodology is a widely used method for analyzing teamwork at the level of an entire organization or department. As organizations flatten out and increase decision-making closer to the rank-and-file employees, it can also be a valuable tool for team leaders to consider how they influence strategy execution on a daily basis. It can also be a helpful tool for keeping competing priorities in perspective to align with the organization’s strategic goals. The McKinsey 7S is a set of seven elements that must be aligned for an organization or team to succeed. Below are the main questions


How do managerial competencies affect the success of a scientific team? Interview with Prof. Richard Griffith of the Institute for Cross Cultural Management of Florida Institute of Technology

Another interview we conducted on the importance of competencies in the management of scientific institutions was with Prof. Richard Griffith of the Institute for Cross Cultural Management of Florida Institute of Technology. His extensive experience and high managerial competence gave us a lot of inspiration while recording the interview, but now we also like to go back to it and recall what we heard. Prof. Richard Griffith’s academic work includes research on leadership and cross-cultural work. His achievements include publications on cross-cultural management issues, cross-cultural teams, and organizational psychology. Professor Griffith’s achievements include books, articles and chapters on leadership, cross-cultural
