On September 28-29, we participated in an international conference that took place in Slovakia in Nový Smokovec. The conference dealt with many aspects of management, including competence management. We were surprised by how professionally it was prepared and how many scientists participated in it. As part of the conference, Olaf Flak, PhD, published a paper entitled “Online management tools as research tools of managerial actions aimed at artificial management implementation. Results of the research”, funded by our project “Flow and efficiency of virtual team”, funded by Polish NCN and German DFG. See more here: https://projekty.ncn.gov.pl/index.php?projekt_id=498926 The conference was organized by


The book entitled “Competencies of employees of research universities in Poland” – key research findings

We encourage you to read our latest publication entitled “Competencies of employees at research universities in Poland – key research findings”. “Competencies of employees of research universities in Poland – the most important research results”, in which we included an analysis of the competencies of employees of Polish research universities based on the research we conducted in 2022. Below are the key findings of our publication. You can purchase it at the bookstore of the Publishing House of the University of Silesia in Katowice: https://wydawnictwo.us.edu.pl/node/27063 The above publication contains an elaboration of the conducted empirical research in terms of assessing


We have published a book with the results of the research entitled. “Competencies of staff at research universities in Poland”

A publication with our research results on the competencies of the research and support staff of Polish research universities has just been released! How did it get started? As a team of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Staff Development of the University of Silesia in Katowice (ICRK), we developed the first model of key competencies supporting research excellence designed for employees of Polish universities. Based on this model, a one-of-a-kind tool has been created for those associated with the higher education sector. The developed model became the basis for conducting a survey of competencies of research and support staff at Polish


Conference concluding the competence research project

Almost a year ago, we organized a conference to conclude the project “Interdisciplinary Center for Personnel Development – think tank for the development of key competencies of future personnel for Polish science”, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science under the “Dialogue” program. It was held from October 24 to 25, 2022 in the building at 14 Bankowa Street in Katowice. During the conference, we presented the results of the team’s work on the concept of managing universities through competence. The meeting was attended by representatives of the research community and support staff from Polish research universities. Guests at


Processes taken into account in the study of competencies of science employees at research universities in Poland

Within the framework of the conference we wrote about earlier, which took place in September 2022 at the Wroclaw University of Economics, we published the preliminary results of a study on the competencies of science employees at Polish research universities. As part of the study, a description of 4 core processes was developed as the basis for adequate selection of competencies. The process of preparing the description of the four core processes as the basis for research excellence was based on the results of the discussion of research experts was based on the results of the discussion of internal experts


Our presentation at the conference in the series Success in Personnel Management 2022, organized by the Wroclaw University of Economics

On September 19-20, 2022, a conference in the series Success in Personnel Management 2022 was held at the Wroclaw University of Economics, where we presented the first research results from the project “ICRK – think tank on the development of key competencies of future personnel for Polish science”. We presented a speech, the crux of which was the answer to what competencies are important for both groups to effectively implement these processes? The specific research questions we also answered are: Regarding the first research question, we found in our research that there are 3 groups of competencies: core, research and


As part of the Euro Science Open Forum ESOF, ICRK representatives discussed the phenomenon of the so-called “brain drain”

It’s been more than a year since the Euro Science Open Forum (ESOF) 2022 science conference was held in the Dutch city from July 13 to 16, 2022, as part of the celebration of the European City of Science 2022, which was Leiden. At the same time, Katowice – a city preparing to accept the title of European City of Science 2024 – hosted a conference accompanying the ESOF2022 Regional Site on July 15, 2022. The meeting was held at the International Congress Center. The conference featured a panel titled “Make brain, do not drain – facing the dilemma of


What are competencies and why are they important in university management? Part 2

In this post, we show more definitions of competencies that helped us build a competency model and conduct research in Polish research universities. Let’s look at definitions of competence that emphasize the behavioral dimension and the dynamics that consolidate its components, which are so important in the context of the described project of researching the competence of university employees. Woodruffe (1997, p. 26) emphasized the behavioral dimension affecting work outcomes: “competence refers to a series of behaviors that must be selected to competently perform the tasks and mission of the job.” Similarly, according to Levy-Leboyer (1997), competence implies, in an


What are competencies and why are they important in university management? Part 1

Our research and implementation interests focus on employee competencies and how to use them to manage a university. Management by competencies is a popular method for managing teams and entire companies in business, but it is still little known in academia. As part of our Interdisciplinary Centre for Staff Development, we decided to change this and promote competence management as an effective method of university management. What are competencies? Definitions of competencies are constantly evolving, so we briefly present the views on competencies that have emerged in recent years. Competencies are discussed by management practitioners, but also by scholars working


Why did we create the Interdisciplinary Centre for Staff Development?

In 2020, we created the Interdisciplinary Centre for Staff Development at the University of Silesia in Katowice and launched a research and implementation project, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, called “ICRK – think tank for the development of key competencies of future personnel for Polish science.” The aim of the project was to develop a concept for the development of key competencies of research staff and administrative support staff of the science and higher education sector in Poland, which can contribute to strengthening the position of domestic universities on the international arena. On the one hand, the
