
Learn how to manage a research team or a university based on competencies. Below are e-books we have prepared based on interviews with specialists in competency management of a modern university and developing a research team based on research competencies.

Download the e-book on this topic “Competence of managing a research team”

Interview with Prof. Visente Martinez Tur from the University of Valencia (Spain)

Download the e-book on this topic “University support for building researcher competence”

Interview with Prof. Matias Pulópulos Tripiana of Ghent University (Bielgia)

Download an e-book on this topic “Competencies that determine the scientific success of a researcher”

Interview with Prof. Corinna Peifer University of Lübeck (Germany)

Download the e-book on this topic “Organisational competencies and the success of the research team”

Interview with Prof. Richard Griffith of the Institute for Cross Cultural Management of Florida Institute of Technology (USA)