What are the key process competencies for the different competency profiles of support staff?

In our book, Competencies of Research Staff at Polish Research Universities, we published many of the results of research on the competencies of research and support staff at Polish research universities. Our book is still available at the bookstore of the University of Silesia in Katowice: https://wydawnictwo.us.edu.pl/node/27063 In this and the following weeks, we will present on the blog selected results of the research we conducted within the framework of the DIALOG project in 2020-2022 in Polish research universities. Today, we will briefly discuss process-related for each competency profile of the support staff. To begin with, we explain the symbols


How to represent human labor and its competencies in the form of an organizational size system?

Following on from the considerations we presented a week ago in an interview with Prof. Richard Griffith on the pace at which human labor is being replaced by artificial intelligence, one can ask: how to theoretically represent cognitive processes in the human mind especially in the area of management and teamwork? The answer to this question is the research carried out for more than a dozen years by Olaf Flak, PhD. In numerous publications he has presented his research results concerning first the theoretical concepts of the representation of the work of the manager and the team, and then empirical


Our publication from the international conference “6th International Conference on Knowledge Management Systems ICKMS2023”

As part of the conference, which we wrote about in our previous post, we published an article titled “Teamwork Effectiveness of Virtual Teams Supported by the Knowledge Management System.” The publication was funded by our project “Flow and Effectiveness of Virtual Teams”, funded by the Polish NCN and the German DFG. See more here: https://projekty.ncn.gov.pl/index.php?projekt_id=498926 What did we write about in the article? Based on the theoretical foundations of team effectiveness, we formulated four research questions, which we tried to answer during the empirical research. They are as follows: The purpose of this article was to provide answers to these


Our publication from the international conference “Modernity of Industry and Services” (MIS 2023)

The annual conference organized by TNOiK, Katowice Branch, took place on November 22-24, 2023, where we were able to present our research results in the form of an article entitled “KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION OF MANAGERIAL COMPETENCES IN VIRTUAL TEAMS AIMED AT ARTIFICIAL MANAGEMENT.” In a previous blog post, we briefly introduced the concept of an organizational size system to represent knowledge of competencies in the form of organizational sizes, and consequently in the form of managerial activities. Today we will briefly introduce the published article. The purpose of the article was to present a solution to a research problem in the


The book entitled “Competencies of employees of research universities in Poland” – key research findings

We encourage you to read our latest publication entitled “Competencies of employees at research universities in Poland – key research findings”. “Competencies of employees of research universities in Poland – the most important research results”, in which we included an analysis of the competencies of employees of Polish research universities based on the research we conducted in 2022. Below are the key findings of our publication. You can purchase it at the bookstore of the Publishing House of the University of Silesia in Katowice: https://wydawnictwo.us.edu.pl/node/27063 The above publication contains an elaboration of the conducted empirical research in terms of assessing


We have published a book with the results of the research entitled. “Competencies of staff at research universities in Poland”

A publication with our research results on the competencies of the research and support staff of Polish research universities has just been released! How did it get started? As a team of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Staff Development of the University of Silesia in Katowice (ICRK), we developed the first model of key competencies supporting research excellence designed for employees of Polish universities. Based on this model, a one-of-a-kind tool has been created for those associated with the higher education sector. The developed model became the basis for conducting a survey of competencies of research and support staff at Polish


Processes taken into account in the study of competencies of science employees at research universities in Poland

Within the framework of the conference we wrote about earlier, which took place in September 2022 at the Wroclaw University of Economics, we published the preliminary results of a study on the competencies of science employees at Polish research universities. As part of the study, a description of 4 core processes was developed as the basis for adequate selection of competencies. The process of preparing the description of the four core processes as the basis for research excellence was based on the results of the discussion of research experts was based on the results of the discussion of internal experts
