We spoke at the ESOF conference as part of Katowice City of Science 2024 – we led a workshop on researcher competencies!

On June 13, 2024, we participated in the ESOF2024 conference. This is one of the most important international conferences with an impact on the transformation of science and the world. The conference was held in Katowice, as Katowice is the European City of Science this year. During the conference, scientists, entrepreneurs, politicians, journalists and residents discussed the latest developments in various fields of science and art and their impact on society. Participation in the conference was free of charge. In the workshop part, we conducted a training on research competencies. Participants were able to test their competencies using the tools


We took part in the national conference “Sustainable enterprise. Dilemmas of sustainable development”

The conference will focus on the issue of building a sustainable enterprise in the context of the goals of modern business and trends in the environment. The concept of sustainable development encompasses issues relevant to a sustainable enterprise, i.e. primarily: corporate strategy, organizational governance, building dialogue with stakeholders, human rights, human capital management, environment, business ethics, customer and consumer issues, social development. In view of the above, it is possible to point out significant problems that are associated with the concept of sustainable development and with the efforts of modern companies to respond to the challenges inherent in the environment.


We attended the 39th annual conference of the Society for Industrial Psychology in Chicago (SIOP)

The SIOP conference is one of the largest events for professionals in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. At this conference, attendees have the opportunity to participate in a variety of sessions, presentations, workshops and discussions on the latest research, trends and practices in the field. Here are some typical events that can take place at the SIOP conference: The SIOP conference is always an event full of inspiration, new opportunities and possibilities for scientific and professional exchange of ideas in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. During the conference, Prof. Dr. Barbara Kożusznik and Prof. Sharon Glazer


Prof. Barbara Kozushnik and Dr. Barbara Smorczewska received the named titles of Polish Congress Ambassadors for 2022-2023

The presentation of these prestigious diplomas and commemorative statuettes took place on Thursday, March 21, 2023. It took place at the Rolling Mill of the Museum of Zinc Metallurgy in Katowice. The gala was opened by: Both ladies were honored for organizing the 21st EAWOP Congress: https://us.edu.pl/event/kongres-europejskiego-stowarzyszenia-psychologii-pracy-i-organizacji/ EAWOP Congress website: https://eawop2023.org/ The event brought together 1,630 people from all over the world – labor and organizational psychologists, but also students and doctoral students in this area. And also HR professionals interested in this topic.


Prof. Barbara Kozushnik participant in the Annual ENOP Symposium “Trust and Morality in a Post-Truth World”

It’s been exactly one year since Prof. Barbara Kozushnik appeared as a member at the Annual ENOP 2023 Symposium “Trust and Morality in a Post-Truth World.” The conference was held March 23-24, 2023 in Paris. As the UN opens to receive the support and expert insights of psychologists on the well-being of citizens and workers in a post-pandemic world (IAAP 2023), this symposium aimed to reveal current evidence on trust and moral agency in today’s workplaces. Presentations were designed to familiarize ENOP members with the emerging evidence and provide a forum to discuss both the policy and practical implications of


We participated in the conference entitled “6th International Conference on Knowledge Management Systems ICKMS2023”

In May 2023, the “6th International Conference on Knowledge Management Systems ICKMS2023” was held, which brings together specialists in the field of knowledge management systems. As a team of the Interdisciplinary Center for Human Resources Development, we are working in various projects on knowledge of competence, teamwork, flow and efficiency in virtual teams. That’s why we decided to write a paper for this conference and also participate in it. Initially, the conference was to be held stationary in Atlanta in the United States, but due to the number of registered participants and their different backgrounds, it was moved to the


The International Scientific Conference “Modernity of Industry and Services” (MIS 2023 – Modernity of Industry and Services) is coming up

The annual international conference entitled “Modernity of Industry and Services” will kick off on November 22, 2023. “Modernity of Industry and Services.” We were pleased to register our presence and sent an article on the representation of knowledge of managerial competencies to automate the work of the manager. The conference has a long tradition and several years ago we used to attend it regularly. Now we are back there again and can meet with social scientists, mainly from management and quality sciences, in person. Find out more about the conference here: https://www.polsl.pl/roz1/mis-2023/ What did we write an article about? About



On September 28-29, we participated in an international conference that took place in Slovakia in Nový Smokovec. The conference dealt with many aspects of management, including competence management. We were surprised by how professionally it was prepared and how many scientists participated in it. As part of the conference, Olaf Flak, PhD, published a paper entitled “Online management tools as research tools of managerial actions aimed at artificial management implementation. Results of the research”, funded by our project “Flow and efficiency of virtual team”, funded by Polish NCN and German DFG. See more here: https://projekty.ncn.gov.pl/index.php?projekt_id=498926 The conference was organized by


Conference concluding the competence research project

Almost a year ago, we organized a conference to conclude the project “Interdisciplinary Center for Personnel Development – think tank for the development of key competencies of future personnel for Polish science”, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science under the “Dialogue” program. It was held from October 24 to 25, 2022 in the building at 14 Bankowa Street in Katowice. During the conference, we presented the results of the team’s work on the concept of managing universities through competence. The meeting was attended by representatives of the research community and support staff from Polish research universities. Guests at


Our presentation at the conference in the series Success in Personnel Management 2022, organized by the Wroclaw University of Economics

On September 19-20, 2022, a conference in the series Success in Personnel Management 2022 was held at the Wroclaw University of Economics, where we presented the first research results from the project “ICRK – think tank on the development of key competencies of future personnel for Polish science”. We presented a speech, the crux of which was the answer to what competencies are important for both groups to effectively implement these processes? The specific research questions we also answered are: Regarding the first research question, we found in our research that there are 3 groups of competencies: core, research and
