Researcher competencies: how to measure the competency “organization of own work”?

Another competency that we can measure in researchers, self-work organization. Colloquially, we can see or somehow tell if someone is well-organized or disorganized. Just how do we measure it? We associate self-work organization directly with the ability to plan tasks in time and execute them according to plan, possibly reacting to unforeseen obstacles to the plan. Surveys of managers show that only 10% of people in managerial positions do not complain about lack of time, the rest would need an extra few to several hours. The result of poor time planning is excessive fatigue, lack of time for the family


Competence of the researcher: how to measure the competence “communicativeness”?

Another competency that can be measured using competency profiles is communicativeness. From our training and consulting experience, we know that this topic is very popular in training inquiries and generally causes a lot of problems with work in organizations. We have this observation that in all the competencies we learn from childhood, we are quite poor and rarely can speak well, run, listen, play an instrument, cook and so on. Communication is one such competence that we constantly need to improve. Typical communication between people or between cells in a company always follows the same pattern. Someone who wants to


Researcher competencies: how do you measure the “assertiveness” competency?

In the following weeks, we want to present some examples of the competencies we measure in the competency measurement tools that you can check out on our website. Users of the tools and readers of the blog ask us how we do the measurement, what we take into account when measuring and how we created the indicators. Let’s take one of the competencies used in the competency profiles of our researcher competency measurement tools as an example. It will be assertiveness. First, let’s ask ourselves what assertiveness is. Thus, a person’s assertiveness is seen as the gentle, sincere and firm


A series of workshop meetings within the VT-FLOW grant project

In cooperation within the VT-FLOW grant project, representatives of the University of Silesia in Katowice and the University of Lübeck took part in a series of workshop meetings aimed at jointly developing a plan for the analysis of variables relevant to the construct of collective communication (collective communication). The workshop was held on the premises of the University of Silesia from 29.07.2024-31.07.2024. The main purpose of the meetings was to exchange experiences and reflections on conducting analyses using specialized algorithms, jointly develop procedures to obtain relevant data, and juxtapose the solutions developed so far with the most current research practices
