What are the necessary competencies for doctoral students?

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In our work as consultants in the field of competence management, we often encounter questions about what competencies doctoral students should have in order for these competencies to increase their chances of completing their doctoral thesis and, subsequently, advancing their careers in science.

Based on our consulting experience and academic work, we have created a list of competencies that should be possessed and developed during doctoral studies. We grouped them into 3 areas and described them with “how to” questions to give guidance to doctoral students in which areas they should develop.

Area 1 – Planning one’s own scientific development and improving personal effectiveness

  • How to set personal goals in the context of working in a research team?
  • How to plan activities to achieve the desired goals?
  • How to make the best use of time as the most important human resource?
  • How to analyze the problems encountered?
  • How to apply creative thinking techniques in solving problems?
  • How to make decisions that bring you closer to your goal?

Area 2 – Effective management of the research team

  • When to form a research team?
  • What are the stages of building a research team?
  • What is team synergy and how to achieve it?
  • What team roles can team members play?
  • What is the importance of trust in teamwork and how to create a culture of trust?
  • How to prepare and conduct an effective team meeting?

Area 3 – Dealing with stress, motivation and conflict resolution

  • How to diagnose the causes of perceived stress?
  • How to adopt a strategy to deal with a difficult situation?
  • How to resolve conflicts so as to avoid compromise and achieve consensus?
  • How to conduct empowering conversations with co-workers?
  • How to use motivational techniques in teamwork?
  • How to motivate yourself to take on difficult tasks?

If you are interested in developing the competencies of your doctoral students, please contact us: icrk@us.edu.pl