What are the benefits for a research project manager when he or she is a mentor? Part 1

We spoke to a number of research project managers about how they view their role of being a mentor to their staff or doctoral students. Some, focused on their work, saw it as an additional task in their busy schedules of conferences, speeches and publications. However, there are research project managers who recognize the benefits of serving as a mentor to their colleagues. What are these benefits? Below is a list of benefits for the project manager in the so-called “hard” area of research project management. In subsequent posts, we will show what personal and relational benefits can be had


What are the necessary competencies for doctoral students?

In our work as consultants in the field of competence management, we often encounter questions about what competencies doctoral students should have in order for these competencies to increase their chances of completing their doctoral thesis and, subsequently, advancing their careers in science. Based on our consulting experience and academic work, we have created a list of competencies that should be possessed and developed during doctoral studies. We grouped them into 3 areas and described them with “how to” questions to give guidance to doctoral students in which areas they should develop. Area 1 – Planning one’s own scientific development


We attended the 39th annual conference of the Society for Industrial Psychology in Chicago (SIOP)

The SIOP conference is one of the largest events for professionals in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. At this conference, attendees have the opportunity to participate in a variety of sessions, presentations, workshops and discussions on the latest research, trends and practices in the field. Here are some typical events that can take place at the SIOP conference: The SIOP conference is always an event full of inspiration, new opportunities and possibilities for scientific and professional exchange of ideas in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. During the conference, Prof. Dr. Barbara Kożusznik and Prof. Sharon Glazer


What are the competence gaps of a diverse research team?

In our research that we conducted at research universities in Poland between 2020 and 2022, we also looked for new trends and phenomena in the work of research teams. We noticed that research teams are increasingly dispersed and diverse. Therefore, we examined the competence gaps in just such a team, coming from one of the research universities. The analyzed research team consisted of 13 employees working in research or research and teaching positions at a certain university, which is an established research university. We deliberately chose this particular team for the description, as it was also the most numerous research
