Prof. Barbara Kozushnik and Dr. Barbara Smorczewska received the named titles of Polish Congress Ambassadors for 2022-2023

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The presentation of these prestigious diplomas and commemorative statuettes took place on Thursday, March 21, 2023. It took place at the Rolling Mill of the Museum of Zinc Metallurgy in Katowice. The gala was opened by:

  • Adam Wawoczny, President of the Silesian Tourism Organization
  • RafaƂ Szmytke, President of the Polish Tourist Organization
  • Paula Fanderowska, President of the Association of Conferences and Congresses in Poland

Both ladies were honored for organizing the 21st EAWOP Congress:

EAWOP Congress website:

The event brought together 1,630 people from all over the world – labor and organizational psychologists, but also students and doctoral students in this area. And also HR professionals interested in this topic.