How do managerial competencies affect the success of a scientific team? Interview with Prof. Richard Griffith of the Institute for Cross Cultural Management of Florida Institute of Technology

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Another interview we conducted on the importance of competencies in the management of scientific institutions was with Prof. Richard Griffith of the Institute for Cross Cultural Management of Florida Institute of Technology. His extensive experience and high managerial competence gave us a lot of inspiration while recording the interview, but now we also like to go back to it and recall what we heard.

Prof. Richard Griffith’s academic work includes research on leadership and cross-cultural work. His achievements include publications on cross-cultural management issues, cross-cultural teams, and organizational psychology. Professor Griffith’s achievements include books, articles and chapters on leadership, cross-cultural work, The professor deals with cross-cultural aspects of management and team issues. Richard Griffith is involved in the creation of international programs in work and organizational psychology and collaborates with many centers to promote the ideas of learning and management by competence.

Prof. Richard Griffith answered the following questions for us during the interview:

  • What contributes to a given researcher’s contacts with researchers abroad?
  • What determines a good scientific collaboration?
  • What own competencies seem most conducive to leading a research team?
  • When did the Professor’s adventure with consciously building his own competencies as a researcher begin?
  • What are the Professor’s experiences with leading international research teams?
  • What qualities enable the team in achieving a climate of trust and cooperation?
  • What contributes to the growth of the team leader’s authority?
  • What indicators show the development of the team?
  • What competencies in team members does the Professor value most?
  • Which event in the Professor’s life was a breakthrough in terms of the competencies of his team?
  • What employee competencies make the university innovative?
  • Does the university where the Professor works actively seek scientific or leadership talent among non-employees?

See the full interview:

The interview with Prof. Richard Griffith is conducted by:

  • Prof. Barbara Kozusznik, Ph.D., University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
  • Olaf Flak, Ph.D., Independent trainer and business advisor

Also download the e-book on this topic “Organisational competences and the success of the research team”