What competencies will really be needed in 2024?

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The advent of GPT technology and open access to this technology in the form of GPT Chat has led to a heated discussion about what competencies will be needed in the future. Today we present an interesting TEDx talk on how a radical breakthrough like artificial intelligence will change our perception of competencies and the demand for particular competencies.

The skills of the future will stimulate a growth mindset, allow us to overcome learned helplessness and help us close the skills gap, developing all of our human potential. TEDx speaker Arndt Pechstein presents a holistic and comprehensive tool for identifying, learning and applying future skills to co-create a better future for individuals, organizations and society. As a management consultant, co-founder of Future Skills Navigator and initiator of the Hybrid Thinking approach, he guides individuals and organizations toward future readiness.

His credo is: “Don’t just succeed, be significant!”.

See the entire speech: