What is the prospect of artificial intelligence replacing human competence? Interview with Prof. Sharon Glazer of the University of Baltimore and the University of Maryland

The next interview in our series is with Prof. Sharon Glazer of the University of Baltimore and the University of Maryland on the topic of to what extent and when artificial intelligence will make humans redundant in companies. Prof. Sharon Glazer has made significant contributions to the field of applied psychology, particularly with regard to occupational health and stress. Her research spans the globe, focusing on various occupations and applied psychology issues, such as Brazil, Peru, India, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Israel and Japan. She has contributed to dialogue and knowledge of other cultures. Prof. Glazer is currently working on the


What competency questions does the McKinsey 7S Framework include?

The McKinsey 7S Framework methodology is a widely used method for analyzing teamwork at the level of an entire organization or department. As organizations flatten out and increase decision-making closer to the rank-and-file employees, it can also be a valuable tool for team leaders to consider how they influence strategy execution on a daily basis. It can also be a helpful tool for keeping competing priorities in perspective to align with the organization’s strategic goals. The McKinsey 7S is a set of seven elements that must be aligned for an organization or team to succeed. Below are the main questions


How do managerial competencies affect the success of a scientific team? Interview with Prof. Richard Griffith of the Institute for Cross Cultural Management of Florida Institute of Technology

Another interview we conducted on the importance of competencies in the management of scientific institutions was with Prof. Richard Griffith of the Institute for Cross Cultural Management of Florida Institute of Technology. His extensive experience and high managerial competence gave us a lot of inspiration while recording the interview, but now we also like to go back to it and recall what we heard. Prof. Richard Griffith’s academic work includes research on leadership and cross-cultural work. His achievements include publications on cross-cultural management issues, cross-cultural teams, and organizational psychology. Professor Griffith’s achievements include books, articles and chapters on leadership, cross-cultural


What competencies will really be needed in 2024?

The advent of GPT technology and open access to this technology in the form of GPT Chat has led to a heated discussion about what competencies will be needed in the future. Today we present an interesting TEDx talk on how a radical breakthrough like artificial intelligence will change our perception of competencies and the demand for particular competencies. The skills of the future will stimulate a growth mindset, allow us to overcome learned helplessness and help us close the skills gap, developing all of our human potential. TEDx speaker Arndt Pechstein presents a holistic and comprehensive tool for identifying,


What are the competencies that determine the success of a scientist? Interview with Prof. Corinna Peifer University of Lübeck

In this episode of interviews on competence management in universities, we host Prof. Corinna Peifer from the Department of Psychology at the University of Lübeck. Prof. Corinna Peifer is not only a specialist in the field of research team management, but also the leader of the German part of our project “Flow and effectiveness of the virtual team”, funded by the Polish NCN and the German DFG. See more here: https://projekty.ncn.gov.pl/index.php?projekt_id=498926 If you watch the interview with Prof. Corinna Peifer, you will find out: The interview with Prof. Corinna Peifer is conducted by: The interview is available on YT: About
