Our publication from the international conference “Modernity of Industry and Services” (MIS 2023)

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The annual conference organized by TNOiK, Katowice Branch, took place on November 22-24, 2023, where we were able to present our research results in the form of an article entitled “KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION OF MANAGERIAL COMPETENCES IN VIRTUAL TEAMS AIMED AT ARTIFICIAL MANAGEMENT.”

In a previous blog post, we briefly introduced the concept of an organizational size system to represent knowledge of competencies in the form of organizational sizes, and consequently in the form of managerial activities. Today we will briefly introduce the published article.

The purpose of the article was to present a solution to a research problem in the field of implementing artificial intelligence for team management, how to register the competencies of a human manager to replace it with an artificial manager. We posed two research questions:

  • how to represent the knowledge of what a manager does?
  • How to register knowledge about what a manager does?

For the study, we used a non-participatory observation method and online managerial tools on the TransistorsHead.com platform, owned by Olaf Flak, PhD. See more: http://transistorshead.com/

What conclusions can we draw from the research?

First, the original team management research methodology – the organizational size system, is suitable for representing managerial competencies in a theoretical way. Second, the only way to record what a manager does is to directly record his managerial activities, which are a manifestation of his competence in this area.

Of course, we are aware of the limitations of the research. To actually build a competency-based robot manager, at least three conditions should be met: A mutual basis of communication for the robot manager and team members (common concepts and their meanings), proven methods for predicting human behavior in teamwork, and the possibility for the robot manager to have a real impact on team members.

However, as the last 20 years have seen rapid development of information technology, robotics and the replacement of human labor with machines or algorithms, the area of automation of team management and its consequences seems to be the dominant area of research in the near future, as well as the practical implementation of this research.

See the full article here:
