Our publication from the international conference “Modernity of Industry and Services” (MIS 2023)

The annual conference organized by TNOiK, Katowice Branch, took place on November 22-24, 2023, where we were able to present our research results in the form of an article entitled “KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION OF MANAGERIAL COMPETENCES IN VIRTUAL TEAMS AIMED AT ARTIFICIAL MANAGEMENT.” In a previous blog post, we briefly introduced the concept of an organizational size system to represent knowledge of competencies in the form of organizational sizes, and consequently in the form of managerial activities. Today we will briefly introduce the published article. The purpose of the article was to present a solution to a research problem in the


The International Scientific Conference “Modernity of Industry and Services” (MIS 2023 – Modernity of Industry and Services) is coming up

The annual international conference entitled “Modernity of Industry and Services” will kick off on November 22, 2023. “Modernity of Industry and Services.” We were pleased to register our presence and sent an article on the representation of knowledge of managerial competencies to automate the work of the manager. The conference has a long tradition and several years ago we used to attend it regularly. Now we are back there again and can meet with social scientists, mainly from management and quality sciences, in person. Find out more about the conference here: https://www.polsl.pl/roz1/mis-2023/ What did we write an article about? About


What is the impact of competence management on university success? Interview with Prof. Martin Euwema of the Catholic University of Lowan (Belgium)

Below, watch a video we recorded at the Interdisciplinary Center for Human Resources Development with Prof. Martin Euwema, who told us how to leverage the potential of a university to build the institution’s competitiveness in the scientific and educational market. The conversation includes experts and scientists associated with the Interdisciplinary Center for Human Resources Development: the center’s director Prof. Barbara Kozusznik, Katarzyna Więcek-Jakubek and Dr. Grzegorz Filipowicz. Prof. Martin Euwema is a world-renowned scientist who, through his participation in lectures, seminars, meetings and extensive scientific and teaching activities, encourages students, doctoral candidates to expand their scientific knowledge, continue their studies



On September 28-29, we participated in an international conference that took place in Slovakia in Nový Smokovec. The conference dealt with many aspects of management, including competence management. We were surprised by how professionally it was prepared and how many scientists participated in it. As part of the conference, Olaf Flak, PhD, published a paper entitled “Online management tools as research tools of managerial actions aimed at artificial management implementation. Results of the research”, funded by our project “Flow and efficiency of virtual team”, funded by Polish NCN and German DFG. See more here: https://projekty.ncn.gov.pl/index.php?projekt_id=498926 The conference was organized by
