Processes taken into account in the study of competencies of science employees at research universities in Poland

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Within the framework of the conference we wrote about earlier, which took place in September 2022 at the Wroclaw University of Economics, we published the preliminary results of a study on the competencies of science employees at Polish research universities.

As part of the study, a description of 4 core processes was developed as the basis for adequate selection of competencies. The process of preparing the description of the four core processes as the basis for research excellence was based on the results of the discussion of research experts was based on the results of the discussion of internal experts at several webinars, during which the participants (internal and external experts) discussed the subsequent phases of the process description.

Each of these processes was described by a process map distinguishing key tasks, decisions, data used, research and the links between these elements. These maps take the form of graphical studies and formed the basis for further competency research. In the course of the research, a range of necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes were assigned to each of the previously described processes. The set of these aspects was then grouped (using the metaplan method) into 36 competencies with distinguished areas of meaning (definitions).

The identification of a set of key competencies of research and support staff based on the mapping of key processes for the development of research excellence made it possible to identify 4 processes around which we developed competency profiles:

  • Acquiring resources for research/art work
  • Conducting high quality research/art work
  • Publishing research results
  • Commercializing research and development results.

We outlined the entire process in our publication:

Kożusznik, B., Flak, O., Pyszka, A., Więcek-Jakubek, K., Filipowicz, G. (2022). Competency Model of the Research and Administrative Support Staff in Polish Universities – the Empirical Research Results. W: M. Stor (red.) Human Capital Management in the Wandering Context of Events – Challenges for the Managerial Staff (ss. 33-44), Wroclaw: Publishing House of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, e-ISBN 978-83-7695-988-7, DOI 10.15611/2022.988.7

You can read it here:

Kożusznik, B., Flak, O., Pyszka, A., Więcek-Jakubek, K., Filipowicz, G. (2022). Competency Model of the Research and Administrative Support Staff in Polish Universities – the Empirical Research Results