On September 19-20, 2022, a conference in the series Success in Personnel Management 2022 was held at the Wroclaw University of Economics, where we presented the first research results from the project “ICRK – think tank on the development of key competencies of future personnel for Polish science”.
We presented a speech, the crux of which was the answer to what competencies are important for both groups to effectively implement these processes?
The specific research questions we also answered are:
- Which staff competencies are necessary to support research excellence at universities?
- With respect to the conditions for research excellence, which competencies are specific to the profiles of researchers and administrative staff supporting research?
- How to map and assess competencies?
Regarding the first research question, we found in our research that there are 3 groups of competencies: core, research and support. Figure 1 shows the inventory of competencies in these groups.

Figure 1. Inventory of competencies in 3 groups: basic, research and support
As part of the second research question, we presented an example of a competency profile for one of the employee groups along with the definitions adopted. It is presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2 An example of a competency profile along with competency definitions
Finally, we showed an excerpt from the research method used to map the competencies of university employees. Figure 3 shows the indicators of one of the competencies in the competency profile and the behavioral scale.

Figure 3. Indicators of one of the competencies in the competency profile and behavioral scale
In our next post, we will present an article that was published as part of this conference, in which we answer the above research questions in detail.