Complete the researcher competency test with this:

  • you will learn the core competencies of a researcher
  • determine your level of these competencies
  • you will learn developmental tips to strength your research potential


  1. State the academic discipline you represent.
  2. Identify the career level of the researcher you represent:
    • R1 - assistant (researcher without doctoral degree)
    • R2 - assistant professor (a researcher with at least a doctoral degree, not fully independent in their research)
    • R3 - university professor (researcher who holds at least a doctoral degree, is recognized in his or her discipline and conducts research independently)
    • R4 - professor (a researcher with the title of professor, who is a leader in his/her area of research)
  3. Enter the number of years of work experience since the beginning of your career.
  4. Choose the type of competency test - by questions or by descriptions of behaviour.
  5. Mark the answer you think is most appropriate for the situation.

It will take you approximately 15-20 minutes to complete the test.