What competency questions does the McKinsey 7S Framework include?

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The McKinsey 7S Framework methodology is a widely used method for analyzing teamwork at the level of an entire organization or department. As organizations flatten out and increase decision-making closer to the rank-and-file employees, it can also be a valuable tool for team leaders to consider how they influence strategy execution on a daily basis. It can also be a helpful tool for keeping competing priorities in perspective to align with the organization’s strategic goals.

The McKinsey 7S is a set of seven elements that must be aligned for an organization or team to succeed.

Below are the main questions in terms of team competencies:

What skills do we have at the individual team level?

What skills might we need to be more effective?

How can we acquire the skills we need?

How can we ensure that our skills are known and used within our team and organization?

You can read more about this highly effective methodology for managing teams through competencies here:
